Speak up to help win safe, legal and compassionate access to abortion care in NSW

Speak up to help win safe, legal and compassionate access to abortion care in NSW

Right now there’s a historic opportunity to secure safe, legal and compassionate access to abortion care in NSW.

Legislation to decriminalise abortion has been passed by the NSW lower house, and the upper house are due to cast their final vote this week.

But those who oppose legal access to abortion care are throwing everything they can at watering down this reform - including proposing more than 20 amendments that could water down reform and actually make it harder for a woman in need to access timely care. 

Just a handful of members could decide whether these amendments pass - and ...

Right now there’s a historic opportunity to secure safe, legal and compassionate access to abortion care in NSW.

Legislation to decriminalise abortion has been passed by the NSW lower house, and the upper house are due to cast their final vote this week.

But those who oppose legal access to abortion care are throwing everything they can at watering down this reform - including proposing more than 20 amendments that could water down reform and actually make it harder for a woman in need to access timely care. 

Just a handful of members could decide whether these amendments pass - and many have indicated they will consider voting for amendments - so we can't leave them with any doubt about what the community wants. Can you take 2 minutes to send them a message urging them to vote no to all hostile amendments?


Email upper house members to oppose harmful amendments

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