Next week NSW Parliament will decide whether or not to legislate ‘safe access zone’ that would afford patients the privacy and dignity they deserve when accessing abortion services.
Those who oppose these protections are making a last ditch attempt to stop it by flooding MLAs with calls to oppose the change. We need to make sure all MPs know the majority of their constituents support voting yes. Can you take a minute to get in touch with your local representative to let them know you want them to vote yes to protecting patients from the gauntlet of abuse and harassment ...
Next week NSW Parliament will decide whether or not to legislate ‘safe access zone’ that would afford patients the privacy and dignity they deserve when accessing abortion services.
Those who oppose these protections are making a last ditch attempt to stop it by flooding MLAs with calls to oppose the change. We need to make sure all MPs know the majority of their constituents support voting yes. Can you take a minute to get in touch with your local representative to let them know you want them to vote yes to protecting patients from the gauntlet of abuse and harassment that can surround abortion clinics?
We can't let those who oppose this change have the loudest voice. We need to show as much support as possible before the final vote next Thursday.