SA: urge your MP to vote for full 'safe access zone' protections

SA: urge your MP to vote for full 'safe access zone' protections

SA MPs are being asked to consider an amendment to safe zones legislation that would specifically allow ‘silent prayer’ to continue, even if safe zones are put in place.

There is a very real risk that a majority of MPs will see this kind of amendment as harmless, and vote to create this exception to the protections.

We know from the testimonies of staff, and former patients in South Australia, that silent prayer can be incredibly distressing.

Thats why we need to join together and make sure MPs know their communities don’t want them to water down the proposed patient protections. Send your MP an email urging them to support the current safe zones legislation without any amendments.

SA MPs are being asked to consider an amendment to safe zones legislation that would specifically allow ‘silent prayer’ to continue, even if safe zones are put in place.

There is a very real risk that a majority of MPs will see this kind of amendment as harmless, and vote to create this exception to the protections.

We know from the testimonies of staff, and former patients in South Australia, that silent prayer can be incredibly distressing.

Thats why we need to join together and make sure MPs know their communities don’t want them to water down the proposed patient protections. Send your MP an email urging them to support the current safe zones legislation without any amendments.

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  • Introduce yourself 
  • Share why you care about this issue

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